Biography on Prezi
There is a disconnect when we think about probability and thought. To think that not only do we calculate the probability of events, but that we do it many times a day subconsciously can be quite suspect. Still, this idea makes sense. If we see that the ground is wet we immediately deduct that something …
The magic Number (g)
While reading the assigned papers I was reminded of my first attempt to define intelligence. I was taking an independent study course in artificial intelligence, and I had decided to find out what intelligence was before I attempted to create it myself. The definitions I found were very vague. It seemed everyone had their own …
Hey kid, I'ma computer
It is difficult to think of human intelligence as simply one mechanism that that can accurately distinguish about seven inputs. It is also very difficult to think that the only way one can get better is by nesting these mechanisms. I’m not saying that Miller’s magic number has no ground, but I do wonder if …
Project Description: MuSe was designed as an introductory music toy designed in the spring quarter of 2009. Muse has undergone 8 prototype revisions and more than 10 user tests. Music teachers and musicians were also consulted during the making of MuSe. The resulting product is a simple and flexible toy for kids to play with …
Tangible Turtle
An aspect of the original logo that always stuck around with me was the presence of a physical turtle that would obey the commands it was given. I always felt that this made programing in logo that much more impacting because something in the physical world responded to the commands issued in the program. In …
Muse Learning Theory / Design
Sensory education Intrinsic link of senses and mind. Children must experience concepts, not just learn them. (Montessori) Young children learn through physical interaction. They test their physical boundaries because it’s new to them by playing, running, jumping, screaming, dancing, climbing, etc. Play is the heart of Waldorf kindergarten (Steiner) From the interview with music teacher/observation… …
Pulse Story Board
For my story board I chose to represent the task of a player playing king of the hill offensively. There are 3 ways our group discussed in which a player can play offensively. One is of course to score. In order to score players must get to the hill and stay there as long a …
Pulse Final Poster
User Test
Testing the current game – Our plan is to test the game interface indoors without the physical element. Users will be asked to create a Pulse game, define the settings of the game, and play. They will not be told by the testers what the objective of the game is, or how to play it. …