macros['CheckVar'] =\n{\t\n\thandler: function(place, macroName, params, parser)\n\t{\n\t\tvar s = state.history[0].variables;\n\t\tconsole.log(s);\n\t}\n}
And she lived happily ever after.
<<silently>>\n<<fadeoutsound "Enchanted Valley.ogg">>\n<<SkillCheck gossip>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $success>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $successMessage>><<endtimedreplace>>\n\n\t<<if $ eq "pretty protagonist">>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>You used Gossip! <<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nThe poor boy looked like he was going to faint when you suggested that a rumor like that might make its rounds if he wasn't married to a pretty girl like you by the end of the week. You still aren't sure whether there was any substance to that rumor, but you suppose time will tell if you're going to be this man's legally wedded (and bedded?) wife. \n\n\nThe point is, you're engaged! [[Let's find out what happens ever after.|Defining Ever After]] <<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>Granny used Gossip!<<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nThe poor boy looked like he was going to faint when Granny suggested that a rumor like that might make its rounds if he wasn't married to a pretty girl like you by the end of the week. You still aren't sure whether there was any substance to that rumor, but you suppose time will tell if you're going to be this man's legally wedded (and bedded?) wife. \n\nThe point is, you're engaged! [[Let's find out what happens ever after.|Defining Ever After]] \n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $failMessage>><<gains>> [[What now?|Game Over]]<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<endif>>
You take your first step.\n\n[img[path.jpg]] \n\n[[The End|Start]]
<<silently>>\nthis stuff checks to see which is risky\n<<set $currentCharacter = $characters[$selectChar]>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<html><b><big>Getting Dressed</b></big></html>\n<<timedinsert 1s>>\nHere goes nothing. As the <<print $>> you can attempt: <<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 2s>>\n<<silently>>\n<<set $prompt1 = "Seduction. You can do this">>\n\t<<if $risky eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt1 += ", but it's risky.">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance1 = 30 + ($currentCharacter.seduction*30)>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt1 += "! ">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance1 = 50 + ($currentCharacter.seduction*30)>>\n\t<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<print $prompt1 + " Chance of success = " + $taskChance1>>\nSwap sex for a gorgeous gown. The prince can't be the only decent sexy time prospect in this place. <<if $risky eq 1>>[[Try Seduction.|UseSeduction1][$riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try Seduction.|UseSeduction1]]<<endif>>\n<<if $currentInventory.corset eq 1>>\nA corset might help with this <<if $risky eq 1>>[[Try Seduction, with a corset! +30|UseSeduction1][$useItem = true;$riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try Seduction, with a corset! +30|UseSeduction1][$useItem = true]]<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 3s>>\n<<silently>>\n<<set $prompt2 = "Magic. You can do this">>\n\t<<if $risky eq 2>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt2 += ", but it's risky.">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance2 = 30 + ($currentCharacter.magic*30)>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt2 += "! ">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance2 = 50 + ($currentCharacter.magic*30)>>\n\t<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<print $prompt2 + " Chance of success = " + $taskChance2>>\nConjure the perfect dress. One the prince will find so bewitching that he'll be pulling its wearer out of it even before making it out of the ballroom. Magic, you're so naughty! <<if $risky eq 2>>[[Try magic.|UseMagic1][$riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try magic.|UseMagic1]]<<endif>>\n<<if $currentInventory.wand eq 1>>\nA wand might help with this <<if $risky eq 2>>[[Try Magic, with a Wand! +30|UseMagic1][$useItem = true; $riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try Magic, with a Wand! +30|UseMagic1][$useItem = true]]<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 4s>>\n<<silently>>\n<<set $prompt3 = "Mischief. You can do this">>\n\t<<if $risky eq 3>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt3 += ", but it's risky.">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance3 = 30 + ($currentCharacter.mischief*30)>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt3 += "! ">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance3 = 50 + ($currentCharacter.mischief*30)>>\n\t<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<print $prompt3 + " Chance of success = " + $taskChance3>>\nSteal a sister's dress. Steal her <html><em>favorite</em></html> dress. There must be a way to decontaminate it before anyone wears it. You could probably bump up its sex appeal factor with a few smart alterations too. <<if $risky eq 3>>[[Try mischief|UseMischief1][$riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try mischief.|UseMischief1]]<<endif>>\n<<if $currentInventory.booze eq 1>>Some liquid courage might help with this <<if $risky eq 3>>[[Try mischief, with booze! +30|UseMischief1][$useItem = true; $riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try mischief, with booze! +30|UseMischief1][$useItem = true]]<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedinsert 5s>>\n<<if $gotRandomItem eq false>>\nThere's also a battered trunk in the corner... I suppose it wouldn't hurt to look inside [[open the trunk|GetRandomItem1]]\n<<endif>>\n<<endtimedinsert>>
<<silently>>\n<<fadeinsound "rain.ogg">>\n<<set $risky = Math.floor((Math.random()*3)+1);>>\n<<set $riskyTask = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\n[<img[small2.jpg]]\n\n<html><p><b><big>Getting to The Ball</b></big></p></html>\n\n<<timedinsert 1s>>\nIt's rainy. It's muddy. And it's not very memorable for a girl to show up at her prince's doorstep on foot. You absolutely must arrive in style. Again, you and Granny discuss your options for getting to the ball.\n\nIt had been your storybook-based impression that the fairy godmother typically stays home from the ball, letting the future princess shine and glow in the aura of her gifted magic, but not wanting to interfere or steal any of her sunshine. You're getting the impression that this will not be the case this evening. Granny insists that she's coming along to help you. You're not sure you trust her motives, but you're in no position to argue with you're magical companion. You agreed that you're a team afterall. \n\nYou determine that there are three ways to get to the ball. \n\n1. You haven't just been cleaning your sisters' dirty underwear. You've also been listening secretly to determine their dirty little secrets. And of those there are many. The girls sometimes spend their afternoons in the mud kissing frogs hoping that they'll get lucky enough for one to turn into a prince. As a result of this charming activity, your sisters have appauling warts in mentionable <html><em>and</em> unmentionable places. It is most certain that if any <em>real</em></html> prince were to find out about them, they will never be kissed. As if they really have a chance, but don't tell dumb, dumber, and their even denser mother. You're sure you and Granny could garner an invitation in their carriage with them by threatening to tell. [Pass a <html><b>gossip</b></html> check to move forward] \n\n2. All of this talk of the sisters and their frog friends has given you and Granny an idea. Instead of threatening to tell their sercret, it just might be more fun to just turn the girls into frog princess so they can pursue their frog princes full time in the pond. You can then of course just take the carriage to the ball yourself. [Pass a <html><b>magic</b></html> check to move forward] \n\n3. All of these plans sound overly complicated. After all, it's not of great importance how you get to the ball, but rather, how you take advantage of it after you get there. And Granny seems to have the itch for thieving. She suggests stealing a stallion and riding it bareback right up to the doors of the castle. You could save an hour by avoiding the ridiculous carriage line and maybe the prince likes a wild kind of girl who likes the wind (and the rain) in her hair. It's a risk, but it sounds kind of fun. [Pass a <html><b>mischief</b></html> check to move forward] \n\n[[You're exhausted just from being so gorgeous. Let Granny arrange the transportation.|To The Ball][$selectChar = 1]]\n\nOR\n\n[[Figuring out a ride to the ball. Sounds easy. You decide to do this yourself.|To The Ball][$selectChar = 0]] \n\nBe careful of who you choose. Something unexpected is bound to happen.\n<<set $TChance = (Math.random()*100)>>\n<<if $TChance gt 70>>\n\tAs you're contemplating this, out of the corner of your eye you see a chest! [[Open it!|GetRandomItem2]]\n<<endif>>\n<<endtimedinsert>>
<<silently>><<set $risky = Math.floor((Math.random()*3)+1);>>\n<<set $riskyTask = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<html><b><big>Getting Compromised</b></big></html>\n\nIt takes you no more than a minute or two to ascertain that your Prince Charming empty. Really, it's like he's an empty shell of a human being. He has a body, yes. He's not even bad looking, really. He's handsome, classically so, with typically pleasant features. You couldn't point out a single thing wrong with his physical features. But the complete lack of flaw or or anything at all to distinguish him turns renders perfect handsomeness somehow plain. \n\nHis skill at conversation has a similar tenor. He speaks well, you suppose, and he says the appropriate things for a person to say. But you find it hard to listen to a person talk when you have no doubt in your mind that he will always say the thing that you expect him to say. You could write our an eternity of future conversations and go through them like play scripts. He is Prince Charming, looking for Princess Wonderful, and he gives every indication that he wants you to prove that you are that girl. Very well, if a blurry eyed fainty girl is what he wants in his future bride, let's secure that position as his fiance. \n\nYou realize that your time alone with him will be short. Now how to best make this a sure thing. You see Granny in the nearby hedges, knowing she has your back if she's needed. \n\nHow do you secure the dear prince's hand in marriage?\n\n1. You're confident that it would take you no time at all to trap this boy in your arms and make his beanstock grow. Get caught by anyone with his hand here or your mouth there and you'll be instantly compromised. A gentlemanly prince would have no other option than to marry you at once. It's dark. You could have Granny attempt this one for you too if you're not feeling obliged. [Pass a <html><b> Seduction</b></html> check to move forward]\n\n2. Something about this boy in the moonlight does not have you eager to slip your clothes off. It would be so much easier if you could magic up a solution here. You or Granny could cast a tinsy spell to have the prince believing that you're already his fiance. You could just move things forward to the tedious wedding planning part. /sigh. Sounds dreadful. [Pass a <html><b>Magic</b></html> check to move forward]\n\n3. This is mean spirited, but you're a bit tempted to threaten the prince with a devestating rumor. Suggeset that you heard in the ball that everyone knows that the prince spends his weekends going Hi Ho with Snow White's seven dwarves and he'll be desperate to prove himself...with a soft little lady like you. You feel confident that whether it's true or not--how hilarious if it turned out to be true--he'd ask you to help him prove to his subjects that it's all falsehood. Granny could easily plant this idea too. [Pass a <html><b>Gossip</b></html> check to move forward]\n\nSo who will it be? Who gets Prince Charming to propose?\n\n[[Granny. You're still a little drowsy from whatever tactics she used to get you alone with the prince.|Compromised to Get Hitched][$selectChar = 1]] \n\nOR\n\n[[You. Even if prince charming is duller than a floorboard, it <html><em>is</em></html> your proposal after all.|Compromised to Get Hitched][$selectChar = 0]] \n\nBe careful of who you choose. Something unexpected is bound to happen.\n\n
<<silently>>\n<<playsound "Running Fanfare.ogg">>\n<<SkillCheck magic>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $success>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $successMessage>><<endtimedreplace>>\n\n\t<<if $ eq "pretty protagonist">>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>You used Magic! <<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nThat was...more perfect than you ever imagined! The entire ballroom, including the (previously) inanimate objects and the unwitting humans, were putty in your hands. You're pretty good at this magic stuff if you do say so yourself. You're fired up now, feeling like a pretty princess in a world where anything is possible. \n\n<<if $riskyTask eq 0>>\n[[Let's get onto that dance floor.|Getting Someone to Dance With You]]\n<<else>>\nYou pulled off a risky task! [[And what's that over there? A Chest?|GetRandomItem4]]\n<<endif>>\n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>Granny used Magic!<<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nThat was...more perfect than you ever imagined! The entire ballroom, including the (previously) inanimate objects and the unwitting humans, all joined in joyous celebration of, well, you. You think you may owe Granny for that one. For a moment you feel uneasy, wondering what she is going to ask of you in return after all of this. But that's a problem to tackle later. Right now you're fired up, feeling like a pretty princess in a world where anything is possible. \n\n<<if $riskyTask eq 0>>\n[[Let's get onto that dance floor.|Getting Someone to Dance With You]]\n<<else>>\nYou pulled off a risky task! [[And what's that over there? A Chest?|GetRandomItem4]]\n<<endif>>\n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $failMessage>><<gains>> [[What now?|Game Over]]<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<endif>>
<<silently>>\n<<fadeoutsound "rain.ogg">>\n<<SkillCheck magic>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $success>>\n<<timedinsert 3s>><<fadeinsound "Egmont Overture Finale.ogg">><<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $successMessage>><<endtimedreplace>>\n\n\t<<if $ eq "pretty protagonist">>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>You used Magic! <<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nAs the carriage wheels thunder over the cobblestone streets leading up to the castle you laugh so hard about the frog princesses that you sprain your insides. Weilding this kind of power is so much fun, you begin to wonder if you even want to go back home. A girl could get used to this. \n\n<<if $riskyTask eq 0>>\n[[On to the castle.|Getting That Fabulous Entrance]]\n<<else>>\nYou pulled off a risky task! [[and what's that over there? A Chest?|GetRandomItem3]]\n<<endif>>\n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>Granny used Magic!<<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nAs the carriage wheels thunder over the cobblestone streets leading up to the castle you laugh so hard about the frog princesses that you sprain your insides. If magic is always this fun, you consider making a lifetime alliance with Granny. You wonder, how did she get this power?\n\n<<if $riskyTask eq 0>>\n[[On to the castle.|Getting That Fabulous Entrance]]\n<<else>>\nYou pulled off a risky task! [[and what's that over there? A Chest?|GetRandomItem3]]\n<<endif>>\n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $failMessage>><<gains>> [[What now?|Game Over]]<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<endif>>\n
<<silently>>\n<<SkillCheck magic>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $success>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $successMessage>><<endtimedreplace>>\n\n\t<<if $ eq "pretty protagonist">>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>You used Magic! <<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nYou actually somehow pulled it off. You used magic. By yourself. You look at yourself in the mirror and, "OH. MY. GOD."\n\nIt's not you. It can't be you. That girl is soooo pretty. It's totally you. You look smokin' hot in this gown. Congratulating yourself on your appearance, you feel prepared to tackle anything that this night can throw your way. \n\n"Drat!" It starts to rain. If you're going to make that unforgettable entrance, you're going to need to find a covered ride that's classy as shit. [[Let's get to that ball.|Getting to The Ball]] <<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>Granny used Magic!<<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nOh, this lady is goood. You look at yourself in the mirror and, "OH. MY. GOD." It's not you. It can't be you. That girl is soooo pretty. It's totally you. You look smokin' hot in this gown. Congratulating yourself on your appearance, you feel prepared to tackle anything that this night can throw your way. \n\n"Drat!" It starts to rain. If you're going to make that unforgettable entrance, you're going to need to find a covered ride that's classy as shit. [[Let's get to that ball.|Getting to The Ball]] <<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $failMessage>><<gains>> [[What now?|Game Over]]<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<endif>>\n\n
version.extensions.timedgotoMacro={major:1,minor:2,revision:0};\nmacros["goto"]=macros.timedgoto={timer:null,handler:function(a,b,c,d){function cssTimeUnit(s){if(typeof s=="string"){if(s.slice(-2).toLowerCase()=="ms"){return +(s.slice(0,-2))||0\n}else{if(s.slice(-1).toLowerCase()=="s"){return +(s.slice(0,-1))*1000||0\n}}}throwError(a,s+" isn't a CSS time unit");return 0}var t,d,m,s;\nt=c[c.length-1];d=d.fullArgs();m=0;if(b!="goto"){d=d.slice(0,d.lastIndexOf(t));\nm=cssTimeUnit(t)}d=eval(Wikifier.parse(d));if(d+""&&state&&state.init){if(macros["goto"].timer){clearTimeout(macros["goto"].timer)\n}s=state.history[0].passage.title;macros["goto"].timer=setTimeout(function(){if(state.history[0].passage.title==s){state.display(d,a)\n}},m)}}};
try { macros['randomp'] = { \n\n handler: function(place,macroName,params,parser) {\n var state = 0;\n var passageflag = false;\n var chance = 100;\n var r = Math.random() * 100;\n \n for(var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {\n switch(state) {\n case 0:\n if(params[i] == 'passage') {\n passageflag = true;\n state = 1;\n break;\n }\n //No break !!! fall through if keyword 'passage' is not used\n \n case 1:\n chance -= params[i];\n state = 2;\n break;\n \n case 2:\n if(r >= chance) {\n if(passageflag) macros.display.handler(place,macroName,[ params[i] ]); \n else new Wikifier(place, params[i]);\n return;\n }\n state = 0;\n break;\n }\n }\n },\n\n init: function() { }\n \n};} catch(e) { \n throwError(place,"Macro Randomp Error: "+e.message); \n}
[<img[booze.jpg]] You Got Booze! Booze has a way of getting you into mischief.\n<<set $currentInventory.booze = 1>>\n[[Continue|End]]
<<silently>>\n<<fadeinsound "Evening Melodrama.ogg">>\n<<set $risky = Math.floor((Math.random()*3)+1);>>\n<<endsilently>>\n[<img[small6.jpg]]\n\n<html><big><b>Defining Ever After</b></big></html>\n\n\nWedding day. The truth is settling in and you're feeling that all has culminating into a realization of "Now you've done it" in the most epic of proportions. \n\nIt felt like a giddy game up until now. What is one supposed to do when one hears voices in their head, taunting them about how we use story to escape from ourselves rather than embrace, well, embrace what? Our individuality? Our perverse humanity? Or admirable capacity to survive in the face of adversity? \n\nAt the time it had felt like a challenge. What can a girl do when she lands herself in a seemingly real-live version of Cinderella? The win condition is inevitably the prince, so get to the prince at all costs had been her approach. And now that you're at the prince--in a really strange fairy-dreamworld--you're a bit stumped. \n\n1. The obvious thing to do might be to marry the damn guy and continue to play out a joke of an ever after. It isn't likely to be an unpleasant experience. Once married, you'll be freed of the pressure to escape the evil stepmother and won't be bothered with ridiculous chatter about finding true love. Your days will be free for enjoying the material comforts of being a princess. Granny will make for a good companion since she has magic, wit, and a brilliant mind for mischief. Maybe you can even improve the prince. Help him become more than a one-dimensional charicature. This way, you can also work to redefine what a princess looks like. Princesses aren't always dainty prissy little girls. You're a daring smart woman and you're perfectly capable of standing up loudly and proudly as yourself. \n\n2. Speaking of being yourself, you have vague recollections of your life before this world. It's dim, and growing dimmer still, but you feel that you remember enough to where you could--and maybe should--put your efforts to trying to get "home." It's wasn't a glamarous royal life. But it was your life. It was your dirty laundry, your silly task list, and it was your job to get to your job by 9am every weekday. The very nature of it being your life makes it worth pursuing, worth owning. You know you could find a way back if you really, truly pursued it. \n\n3. You could also be yourself but pursue a new adventure here in the fairy world. Why stay holed up in the castle all the time when you could ride out to the horizion and see what it holds? You don't know what you'll find as you expand the edges of this world, but that's exactly what makes it worth pursuing. You have brains and body, some newly acquired skills thanks to Granny's help, and you're sure you you're capable of taking on anything you find out there. \n\nThe way you see it, things can be anything you want them to be moving forward. All you have to do is take a deep breath, make a choice, and take the first step. \n\n[[So, where is it that you want to go?|Ever After][$selectChar = 0]] \n\nYou're the only person who can choose here. Granny can't do this for you. And be warned, every option is risky.
<<silently>>\nThis stuff is used to set up the characters\n<<set $gotRandomItem = false>>\n<<set $characters = [{name:"pretty protagonist", seduction: 1, gossip: 1, magic: 0, mischief: 0},{name:"fairy godmother", seduction: 0, gossip: 0, magic: 1, mischief: 1}]>>\n<<set $currentCharacter = $characters[1]>>\n<<set $stockInventory = [{name:"normal bag", booze: 0, wand: 0, corset: 0, dirt: 0}, {name:"magic bag", booze: 1, wand: 1, corset: 1, dirt: 1}]>>\n<<set $currentInventory = $stockInventory[0]>>\n<<set $selectedChar = 0>>\n<<set $riskyTask = 0>>\n<<set $success = false>>\n<<set $successMessage = "Hell Yes!">>\n<<set $failMessage = "Shit.">>\n<<set $useItem = false>>\n<<CheckVar>>\n<<endsilently>>
<<silently>>\n<<set $randItem = Math.floor(Math.random()*4)+1>>\n<<set $gotRandomItem = true>>\n<<playsound "wood creak.ogg" >>\n<<set $prompt = "You fling open the old family chest and inside you find...">>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $randItem eq 1>>\n\t<<print $prompt>> Booze!\n\t[img[booze.jpg]] \n\t<<set $currentInventory.booze = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $randItem eq 2>>\n\t<<print $prompt>> A Wand!\n\t[img[wand.jpg]] \n\t<<set $currentInventory.wand = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $randItem eq 3>>\n\t<<print $prompt>> A letter with a juicy bit of gossip!\n\t[img[dirt.jpg]] \n\t<<set $currentInventory.dirt = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $randItem eq 4>>\n\t<<print $prompt>> A Corset!\n\t[img[corset.jpg]] \n\t<<set $currentInventory.corset = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n[[Continue|WarpZone]]
<<silently>><<set $risky = Math.floor((Math.random()*3)+1);>>\n<html><b><big>Getting Dressed</b></big></html>\n<<timedinsert 1s>><<endsilently>>\nYou'll make your move at the upcoming ball. That much is obvious. And at the ball, the girl seducing the prince has <html><em>got</em></html> to have the right dress. A make 'em drop dead kind of dress. Though maybe not literally. Probably not literally. You hope. Since this is your first time partnering up with an ambitious fairy godmother, you aren't entirely sure what to expect. Will she just conjure the perfect gown for you from her, well from where you're not quite sure. Thus far you've heard no talk of a wand as the possible source for this mean <html><em>woman's</em></html> magic. Is this woman a witch? Do you want to know? You can't decide.\n\nAfter much discussion, the two of you decide you have three options for grubbing up some duds to don at the ball. \n\n1. Perhaps the easiest option is to steal a gown from one of those terrifyng stepsisters upstairs. Just having one of those cow's gowns touching your skin makes you feel shivery, and you believe you're likely to break out into ugly spots and become an immediate spinster at first touch, but it would be a simple theft for Granny to pull off. You're less experienced in such things, but since your presence in the house would be less likely to be noticed, you're willing to try too. [Pass a <html><b>mischief</b></html> check to move forward] \n\n2. Alternately, Granny tells you that there are scads of horny aristocrats around the kingdom who would be all to wiling to share one of their wive's dresses for an hour or two of sexy play time. This might be fun. Or it might be the worst idea to ever come into your fairyworld addled brain. This option feels unpredictible. [Pass a <html><b>seduction</b></html> check to move forward]\n\n3. That previous idea of having your fairy godmother conjure you the prettiest dress anyone in the kingdom ever laid their eyes on is sounding better and better. You're a little worried about the possible repurcussions of being in debt to this woman after asking her to use her magic on you, but that IS how this story is supposed to go, right? She also offers to teach you some magic so that you can try your own hand at a dress. Disastrous? Likely. But it sounds delightfully fun to magic up your own! [Pass a <html><b>magic</b></html> check to move forward]\n\n[[Ask Granny to dress you.|Dressed][$selectChar = 1]]\n\nOR\n\n[[You've been dressing yourself for years and there's no reason why this should be any different.|Dressed][$selectChar = 0]] \n\nBe careful of who you choose. Something unexpected is bound to happen.<<endtimedinsert>>
<<silently>>\n<<SkillCheck seduction>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $success>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $successMessage>><<endtimedreplace>>\n\n\t<<if $ eq "pretty protagonist">>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>You used Seduction! <<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nWe're not going to talk about how it was. Ladies don't kiss and tell. And we're not going to discuss the finer details of whether or not you your recent behavior falls under the definition of ladylike behavior. The point is, you look smokin' hot in this gown. Congratulating yourself on your appearance, you feel prepared to tackle anything that this night can throw your way. \n\n"Drat!" It starts to rain. If you're going to make that unforgettable entrance, you're going to need to find a covered ride that's classy as shit. [[Let's get to that ball.|Getting to The Ball]]\n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>Granny used Seduction!<<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\n\nShe chose a gentleman. She disappeared into the house. You waited. She was gone. She was gone longer still. And then she came back out of his mansion with a dress. You don't ask. You don't want to know. Let's move on. \n\nThe point is, you look smokin' hot in this gown. Congratulating yourself on your appearance, you feel prepared to tackle anything that this night can throw your way. \n\n"Drat!" It starts to rain. If you're going to make that unforgettable entrance, you're going to need to find a covered ride that's classy as shit. [[Let's get to that ball.|Getting to The Ball]]\n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $failMessage>><<gains>> [[What now?|Game Over]]<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n\n\n\n
[<img[corset.jpg]] You Got A Corset!\n<<set $currentInventory.corset = 1>>\n[[Continue|End]]
<<silently>>\n<<fadeoutsound "Danse Macabre - Xylophone.ogg">>\n<<SkillCheck seduction>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $success>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $successMessage>><<endtimedreplace>>\n\n\t<<if $ eq "pretty protagonist">>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>You used Seduction! <<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nThis game is so easy. You've found it quite simple to win over the evening's most enticing gentlemen. You realize you are going to need to step lightly around their wives, paramores, and hopeful prospective fiances though. They're staring daggers at you. You wouldn't put it past one or two of these ladies to have a real one stored somewhere up in their umnentionables either. You find yourself wishing you had one. \n\n<<if $riskyTask eq 0>>\n[[And there he is! It's game time.|Getting The Prince Alone]]\n<<else>>\nYou pulled off a risky task! [[and what's that over there? A Chest?|GetRandomItem5]]\n<<endif>>\n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>Granny used Seduction!<<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nGranny somehow managed to secure a crowe of <html><em>really</em></html> attractive men around you. She even kept them entertained so that you could keep both eyes focused on immediately identifying the arrival of your dear prince. \n\n<<if $riskyTask eq 0>>\n[[And there he is! It's game time.|Getting The Prince Alone]]\n<<else>>\nYou pulled off a risky task! [[and what's that over there? A Chest?|GetRandomItem5]]\n<<endif>>\n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $failMessage>><<gains>> [[What now?|Game Over]]<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<endif>>\n
<<silently>>\n<<fadeoutsound "Enchanted Valley.ogg">>\n<<SkillCheck seduction>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $success>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $successMessage>><<endtimedreplace>>\n\n\t<<if $ eq "pretty protagonist">>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>You used Seduction! <<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nWell, it worked. You were effectively caught and compromised. But lord was it awkward. The way he pawwed at you was just embarassing. If you are going to be taking your husband-to-be to bed, he's going to need some lovemaking lessons. You wonder if you might be able to outsource that partular task to a bored duchess. Would Granny, let's not go there. \n\nThe point is, you're engaged! [[Let's find out what happens ever after.|Defining Ever After]] \n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>Granny used Seduction!<<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nAs you had Granny seduce your recently acquired fiance in your place, you felt no remorse about it. It's fairly pathetic, surely. But as you watched the awkward way he pawwed at the poor woman, you found it just plain embarassing. If you are going to be taking your husband-to-be to bed, he's going to need some lovemaking lessons. You wonder if you might be able to outsource that partular task to a bored duchess. You bet Granny would be willing, but you're not sure you want to think about that just now.\n\nThe point is, you're engaged! [[Let's find out what happens ever after.|Defining Ever After]] \n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $failMessage>><<gains>> [[What now?|Game Over]]<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<endif>>
<<silently>>\n<<playsound "Running Fanfare.ogg">>\n<<SkillCheck mischief>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $success>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $successMessage>><<endtimedreplace>>\n\n\t<<if $ eq "pretty protagonist">>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>You used Mischief! <<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nYou can still hear the crunching sound of that poor girl's bones ringing in your ears. You feel slightly bad about the whole thing. What did this girl ever do to you? (Not a thing). But she's a princess and princesses are all petty and stupid, right? Sure. She obviously deserved to have her title taken from her. And her ability to dance anytime in the next year...She's a princess and she'd dumb. Let's salve our conscious with that. And besides, this girl's shoes are F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S! And now they're yours. Squee!\n<<if $riskyTask eq 0>>\n[[Let's get onto that dance floor.|Getting Someone to Dance With You]]\n<<else>>\nYou pulled off a risky task! [[And what's that over there? A Chest?|GetRandomItem4]]\n<<endif>>\n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>Granny used Mischief!<<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nYou can still hear the crunching sound of that poor girl's bones ringing in your ears. Granny has a strong stomp! You feel slightly bad about the whole thing. What did this girl ever do to you? (Not a thing). But she's a princess and princesses are all petty and stupid, right? Sure. She obviously deserved to have her title taken from her. And her ability to dance anytime in the next year...She's a princess and she'd dumb. Let's salve our conscious with that. And besides, this girl's shoes are F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S! And now they're yours. Squee!\n\n<<if $riskyTask eq 0>>\n[[Let's get onto that dance floor.|Getting Someone to Dance With You]]\n<<else>>\nYou pulled off a risky task! [[And what's that over there? A Chest?|GetRandomItem4]]\n<<endif>>\n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $failMessage>><<gains>> [[What now?|Game Over]]<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<endif>>
<<silently>>\n<<fadeoutsound "rain.ogg">>\n<<SkillCheck mischief>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $success>>\n<<timedinsert 3s>><<fadeinsound "Egmont Overture Finale.ogg">><<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $successMessage>><<endtimedreplace>>\n\n\t<<if $ eq "pretty protagonist">>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>You used Mischief! <<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nWith a few tips from Granny you're able to steal a horse from right under the stablemaster's nose. She swears it's a tactic learned from years of experience and is completely magic free. This woman is crazy. And so must you be too. You're less than 100 percent confident about your bareback stallion-riding abilities but Granny assures you that it's just like riding a--oh my. Granny makes you blush. Profusely. \n\n<<if $riskyTask eq 0>>\n[[On to the castle.|Getting That Fabulous Entrance]]\n<<else>>\nYou pulled off a risky task! [[and what's that over there? A Chest?|GetRandomItem3]]<<endif>>\n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>Granny used Mischief!<<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nYou watched Granny steal a horse from right under the stablemaster's nose. You're not quite sure how she even pulled that off, but she swears it's a tactic learned from years of experience and is completely magic free. This woman is crazy. And so must you be too. You're less than 100 percent confident about your bareback stallion-riding abilities but Granny assures you that it's just like riding a--oh my. Granny makes you blush. Profusely. \n\n<<if $riskyTask eq 0>>\n[[On to the castle.|Getting That Fabulous Entrance]]\n<<else>>\nYou pulled off a risky task! [[and what's that over there? A Chest?|GetRandomItem3]]<<endif>>\n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $failMessage>><<gains>> [[What now?|Game Over]]<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<endif>>
<<silently>>\n<<SkillCheck mischief>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $success>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $successMessage>><<endtimedreplace>>\n\n\t<<if $ eq "pretty protagonist">>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>You used Mischief! <<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nYou feel disgusting in your toadsister's dress, but when you look in the mirror you realize it's true that it's not the clothes that count, but how you wear them. You look smokin' hot in this gown. Congratulating yourself on your appearance, you feel prepared to tackle anything that this night can throw your way. \n\n"Drat!" It starts to rain. If you're going to make that unforgettable entrance, you're going to need to find a covered ride that's classy as shit. [[Let's get to that ball.|Getting to The Ball]]\n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>Granny used Mischief!<<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nAnd she pulled it off well. She returns from the stepsister's lair you with a dress that looks shockingly good considering who it belonged to. You look smokin' hot in this gown. Congratulating yourself on your appearance, you feel prepared to tackle anything that this night can throw your way. \n\n"Drat!" It starts to rain. If you're going to make that unforgettable entrance, you're going to need to find a covered ride that's classy as shit. [[Let's get to that ball.|Getting to The Ball]]\n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $failMessage>><<gains>> [[What now?|Game Over]]<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<endif>>\n
<<silently>>\n<<fadeinsound "Son Of A Rocket.ogg">>\n<<display SetUpVariables>>\n<<endsilently>>\nYou're at home. You're immsersed in your own world on your screen. Reading the news. Browswing the Reddit. Ignoring your out-of-control task list. Contemplating the hard choices in life, like whether to boil water for Mac and Cheese in the kitchen or splurge on takeout Thai. \n\n<<timedinsert 9s>>You hear a voice.<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedinsert 12s>>A strange and slightly unsettling, yet undeniably fascinating voice. There is mystery in this voice.<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedinsert 17s>>"Psssst. Hey! You! Human over there. At the computer screen." <<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedinsert 20s>>"Yeah. You." <<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedinsert 23s>>"Want to know a secret? A secret about you?"<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedinsert 26s>>Of course you want to know the secret.<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedinsert 29s>>[[You nod your head tentatively.|The Secret]]<<endtimedinsert>>\n
<<silently>>\n<<set $randItem = Math.floor(Math.random()*4)+1>>\n<<set $gotRandomItem = true>>\n<<playsound "wood creak.ogg" >>\n<<set $prompt = "You fling open the old family chest and inside you find...">>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $randItem eq 1>>\n\t<<print $prompt>> Booze!\n\t[img[booze.jpg]] \n\t<<set $currentInventory.booze = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $randItem eq 2>>\n\t<<print $prompt>> A Wand!\n\t[img[wand.jpg]] \n\t<<set $currentInventory.wand = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $randItem eq 3>>\n\t<<print $prompt>> A letter with a juicy bit of gossip!\n\t[img[dirt.jpg]] \n\t<<set $currentInventory.dirt = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $randItem eq 4>>\n\t<<print $prompt>> A Corset!\n\t[img[corset.jpg]] \n\t<<set $currentInventory.corset = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n[[And there he is! It's game time.|Getting The Prince Alone]]
<<silently>>\nThis stuff is used to set up the characters\nthis stuff checks to see which is risky\n<<set $currentCharacter = $characters[$selectChar]>>\n<<endsilently>>\nHere goes nothing. As the <<print $>> you can attempt:\n<<silently>>\n<<set $prompt1 = "Seduction. You can do this">>\n\t<<if $risky eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt1 += ", but it's risky.">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance1 = 30 + ($currentCharacter.seduction*30)>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt1 += "! ">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance1 = 50 + ($currentCharacter.seduction*30)>>\n\t<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<print $prompt1 + " Chance of success = " + $taskChance1>>\n\n<<if $risky eq 1>>[[Try Seduction.|UseSeduction5][$riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try Seduction.|UseSeduction5]]<<endif>>\n<<if $currentInventory.corset eq 1>>\nA corset might help with this <<if $risky eq 1>>[[Try Seduction, with a corset! +30|UseSeduction5][$useItem = true;$riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try Seduction, with a corset! +30|UseSeduction5][$useItem = true]]<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<silently>>\n<<set $prompt2 = "Gossip. You can do this">>\n\t<<if $risky eq 2>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt2 += ", but it's risky.">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance2 = 30 + ($currentCharacter.gossip*30)>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt1 += "! ">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance2 = 50 + ($currentCharacter.gossip*30)>>\n\t<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<print $prompt2 + " Chance of success = " + $taskChance2>>\n\n<<if $risky eq 2>>[[Try gossip.|UseGossip5][$riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try gossip.|UseGossip5]]<<endif>>\n<<if $currentInventory.dirt eq 1>>You're in luck, that letter you found has some dirt you might be able to use here. <<if $risky eq 2>>[[Try gossip, with some dirt! +30|UseGossip5][$useItem = true; $riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try gossip, with some dirt! +30|UseGossip5][$useItem = true]]<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<silently>>\n<<set $prompt3 = "Magic. You can do this">>\n\t<<if $risky eq 3>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt3 += ", but it's risky.">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance3 = 30 + ($currentCharacter.magic*30)>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt3 += "! ">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance3 = 50 + ($currentCharacter.magic*30)>>\n\t<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<print $prompt3 + " Chance of success = " + $taskChance3>>\n \n<<if $risky eq 3>>[[Try magic.|UseMagic5][$riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try magic.|UseMagic5]]<<endif>>\n<<if $currentInventory.wand eq 1>>\nA wand might help with this <<if $risky eq 3>>[[Try Magic, with a Wand! +30|UseMagic5][$useItem = true; $riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try Magic, with a Wand! +30|UseMagic5][$useItem = true]]<<endif>>\n<<endif>>
<<silently>>\n<<fadeoutsound "Danse Macabre - Xylophone.ogg">>\n<<SkillCheck mischief>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $success>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $successMessage>><<endtimedreplace>>\n\n\t<<if $ eq "pretty protagonist">>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>You used Mischief! <<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nOh lord. This palce is going to be a complete shitshow in a few hours. They can't seem to get enough of that stuff. No matter. By then you'll have the prince all alone. Now if only he would show up, you could really get this party started. \n\n<<if $riskyTask eq 0>>\n[[And there he is! It's game time.|Getting The Prince Alone]]\n<<else>>\nYou pulled off a risky task! [[and what's that over there? A Chest?|GetRandomItem5]]\n<<endif>>\n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>Granny used Mischief!<<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nGranny delivers again. Her concotion is almost identical to the one you made in college. Assuming everyone doesn't turn into fairies, frogs, or icicles in a few hours. These people can't seem to get enough of that stuff, whatever it is. No matter. By then you'll have the prince all alone. Now if only he would show up, you could really get this party started. \n\n<<if $riskyTask eq 0>>\n[[And there he is! It's game time.|Getting The Prince Alone]]\n<<else>>\nYou pulled off a risky task! [[and what's that over there? A Chest?|GetRandomItem5]]\n<<endif>> \n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $failMessage>><<gains>> [[What now?|Game Over]]<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<endif>>
[<img[dirt.jpg]] You Got Booze! Booze has a way of getting you into mischief.\n<<set $currentInventory.dirt = 1>>\n[[Continue|End]]
A game by <em>[[Amanda Ochsner|]]</em> and <em>[[Dennis Ramire|]][[z|Game+]]</em>\n\nMade for the Global Game Jam, 2014. Found a bug? [[Tell us about it| @amandaochsner]]\n\nMusic by Kevin MacLeod ([[|]])\n\n[[Back|Start]]
(function () {\n "use strict";\n version.extensions['soundMacros'] = {\n major: 1,\n minor: 1,\n revision: 2\n };\n var p = macros['playsound'] = {\n soundtracks: {},\n handler: function (a, b, c, d) {\n var loop = function (m) {\n if (m.loop == undefined) {\n m.loopfn = function () {\n;\n };\n m.addEventListener('ended', m.loopfn, 0);\n } else m.loop = true;\n;\n };\n var s = eval(d.fullArgs());\n if (s) {\n s = s.toString();\n var m = this.soundtracks[s.slice(0, s.lastIndexOf("."))];\n if (m) {\n if (b == "playsound") {\n;\n } else if (b == "loopsound") {\n loop(m);\n } else if (b == "pausesound") {\n m.pause();\n } else if (b == "unloopsound") {\n if (m.loop != undefined) {\n m.loop = false;\n } else if (m.loopfn) {\n m.removeEventListener('ended', m.loopfn);\n delete m.loopfn;\n }\n } else if (b == "stopsound") {\n m.pause();\n m.currentTime = 0;\n } else if (b == "fadeoutsound" || b == "fadeinsound") {\n if (m.interval) clearInterval(m.interval);\n if (b == "fadeinsound") {\n if (m.currentTime>0) return;\n m.volume = 0;\n loop(m);\n } else {\n if (!m.currentTime) return;\n;\n }\n var v = m.volume;\n m.interval = setInterval(function () {\n v = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, v + 0.005 * (b == "fadeinsound" ? 1 : -1)));\n m.volume = Math.easeInOut(v);\n if (v == 0 || v == 1) clearInterval(m.interval);\n if (v == 0) {\n m.pause();\n m.currentTime = 0;\n m.volume = 1;\n }\n }, 10);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n macros['fadeinsound'] = p;\n macros['fadeoutsound'] = p;\n macros['unloopsound'] = p;\n macros['loopsound'] = p;\n macros['pausesound'] = p;\n macros['stopsound'] = p;\n macros['stopallsound'] = {\n handler: function () {\n var s = macros.playsound.soundtracks;\n for (var j in s) {\n\t\tif (s.hasOwnProperty(j)) {\n s[j].pause();\n if (s[j].currentTime) {\n\t\t s[j].currentTime = 0;\n\t\t }\n\t\t}\n }\n }\n }\n var div = document.getElementById("storeArea").firstChild;\n var fe = ["ogg", "mp3", "wav", "webm"];\n while (div) {\n var b = String.fromCharCode(92);\n var q = '"';\n var re = "['" + q + "]([^" + q + "']*?)" + b + ".(ogg|mp3|wav|webm)['" + q + "]";\n k(new RegExp(re, "gi"));\n div = div.nextSibling;\n }\n\n function k(c, e) {\n do {\n var d = c.exec(div.innerHTML);\n if (d) {\n var a = new Audio();\n if (a.canPlayType) {\n for (var i = -1; i < fe.length; i += 1) {\n if (i >= 0) d[2] = fe[i];\n if (a.canPlayType("audio/" + d[2])) break;\n }\n if (i < fe.length) {\n a.setAttribute("src", d[1] + "." + d[2]);\n a.interval = null;\n macros.playsound.soundtracks[d[1]] = a;\n } else console.log("Browser can't play '" + d[1] + "'");\n }\n }\n } while (d);\n }\n}());
Girl of Cinder
<<silently>>\n<<fadeoutsound "Enchanted Valley.ogg">>\n<<SkillCheck magic>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $success>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $successMessage>><<endtimedreplace>>\n\n\t<<if $ eq "pretty protagonist">>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>You used Magic! <<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nIt was so damned simple. You're really getting good at this magic stuff. You hardly lifted a finger and had him blabbering on about the upcoming nuptuals. And now it's all anyone in the whole kingdom will talk about. It bores you to tears already. Oh well...\n\nThe point is, you're engaged! [[Let's find out what happens ever after.|Defining Ever After]] \n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>Granny used Magic!<<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nIt was so damned simple. You nodded to Granny, who hardly had to lift a finger, and the prince started blabbering on about the upcoming nuptuals. And now it's all anyone in the whole kingdom will talk about. It bores you to tears already. Oh well...\n\nThe point is, you're engaged! [[Let's find out what happens ever after.|Defining Ever After]] \n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $failMessage>><<gains>> [[What now?|Game Over]]<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<endif>>
<html><big><b>Stupid Blasted Fate</b></big></html>\n\n<<timedinsert 1s>>Oh god. Oh god. You were so wrong. <<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedinsert 3s>>The pain in your back is beyond excruciating. Your nails have all broken off in the process of scrubbing sopping gross soiled rags in the thick muddy water, if you could call it that. And those women, those three henious, horrifying women are so much worse than you had ever possibly imagined. This is not good. Not good at all. You're trapped. And miserable doesn't even begin to describe the fate that's threatening you here. \n\nDesperate, you call out to that mysterious voice from earlier. "You've had your fun now. Great joke! Very funny. You can let me go now. Fun's over." \n\nNothing happens. \n\n"I get your damn point. What did you say? 'We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.' You were telling me I'm a spoiled little brat, right? I saw Cinderella as cute because I was a cutesy stupid little girl. I didn't properly appreciat the suffering of others. Was that it?" \n\nClearly that was not the point. Or if it was, the voice was not done making it. \n\nYou're not cleaning any more. You're not. This is ridciulous. You start your 37th search for a way out of this dungeony hell hole. You mumble about wishing your fairy godmother would come help you. \n\n[["Did you call for me, pretty girl?"|Chapter 1, Part 3]]<<endtimedinsert>>
<html><big><b>An Unexpected Alliance</big></b></html>\n\n<<timedinsert 1s>>You have discovered that your fairy godmother is everything you imagined she would be and nothing at all like you imagined she would be. \n\nShe's the dumpy little old lady that Disney destined her to be. She fits the part of the adorable, sweet little grandmother perfectly. That is, on the outside. \n\nAfter a chat with this sweet little granny, you realize that there's more to her than, well, what one expets from Granny. Twenty minutes after showing up to visit you in the hell you found yourself in, she's helped you devise a plot to get the hell out. \n\nOut! Yes! Freedom!\n\nOut of this fairy world? No. On that topic she thinks you're touched in the head. You find yourself unable to argue this point.\n\n<html>The plan is not an escape to your real world. But it's not a bad one either. It's more of a rags to riches type of plan, and at this point, you're willing to do <em>anything</em> if you never have to wear or wash another miserable, scratchy, rag again. \n<br><br>\nThe plan is the castle. Live in the castle. You're willing to lie and cheat your way in if it means trading up this hovel. You'll hurt people. You'll sleep with people. Well, perhaps <em>some</em> people. You still aren't sure what kind of people you're going to find in this strange world. But you're an end justifies the means kind of girl when you have to be. Desperate times call for desperate girl actions. And maybe desperate times seduction doesn't have to be <em>all</em> bad. \n<br><br>\nYou're not looking for love. Not at all. But Granny had dropped an ambigiuous little hint that the silky sheets aren't the only alluring enticement to be found in the prince's bed. She was talking about <em>you</em>, right? You can't really imagine this (no offense) lumpy and shriveled granny in the arms of a prince for a repuation of making the girls go weak in the knees at first know what? This is ridiculous. He's obviously not that handsome and there's no way that your fairy grandmother means to, um, engage his attentions herself. \n<br><br>\nAnyway...back to the plan. You've taken inventory of your combined assets, which, as far as you can tell, will make for a dangerous and dazzling combination. \n<br><br>\nYour sweet little godmother here has a deep affinity for <b> mischief </b> and <b>magic</b>. \n<br><br>\nAnd you have discovered that under your disgusting dress is a gorgeously hot bod. It's sure to come in handy if <b>seduction</b> is your strategy of choice. Your other super skill is that the hours and hours you've spent reading social satires and commedy of manners novels has taught you to very effectively wield your weapon of choice, <b>gossip</b>. </html>\n\nYou and Granny are going to take this fairy world by storm. But first, you've got to get through the first major hurdle...\n\n[[What to wear?|Getting Dressed]] <<endtimedinsert>>
<<silently>>\n<<fadeoutsound "Danse Macabre - Xylophone.ogg">>\n<<SkillCheck gossip>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $success>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $successMessage>><<endtimedreplace>>\n\n\t<<if $ eq "pretty protagonist">>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>You used Gossip! <<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nThe Candy Kingdom! You find this endlessly amusing, but the men really are feasting their eyes on you in a way that suggests they want to gobble you all up. Maybe later, boys. First taste is for the prince. Now where is that damned boy?\n\n<<if $riskyTask eq 0>>\n[[And there he is! It's game time.|Getting The Prince Alone]]\n<<else>>\nYou pulled off a risky task! [[and what's that over there? A Chest?|GetRandomItem5]]\n<<endif>><<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>Granny used Gossip!<<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nGranny has been a quick learner in the ancient art of spreading gossip. She really is a good ally. The Candy Kingdom! You find this endlessly amusing, but the men really are feasting their eyes on you in a way that suggests they want to gobble you all up. Maybe later, boys. First taste is for the prince. Now where is that damned boy?\n\n\n<<if $riskyTask eq 0>>\n[[And there he is! It's game time.|Getting The Prince Alone]]\n<<else>>\nYou pulled off a risky task! [[and what's that over there? A Chest?|GetRandomItem5]]\n<<endif>>\n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $failMessage>><<gains>> [[What now?|Game Over]]<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<endif>>\n
[<img[small5.jpg]]\n\n<html><b><big>At First Sight</b></big></html>\n\n\nYou see him. He's right there. You lose yourself for one breathless moment, hoping that your eyes will meet, you'll lose yourselves in each other's beautiful blue depths, and the rest will be eternal bliss and babies. So many beautiful babies. \n\nOw! Granny, the old bat, just kicked you in the shin. Hard. She gives you an exasperated look and then gestures out to the ballroom. You realize what she saw seconds ago. Every body in the room has converged onto one single shared focus--getting the princes attention for themselves, and their daughters of course. \n\nDamn! You're going to lose your chance. By some miracle, the prince starts moving your way. You would like to attribute this to luck, but there's something about his eyes. Not a bright twinkle. A deadness really. You wonder if Granny doesn't have him under some kind of trance. As he nears, you move to make a step toward him, but you feel something on your arm, a sudden and sharp pain. A pinprick! The old woman stuck you with something. \n\nYour vision blurs. Oh no. No, no, no. You're going to faint and lose your chance at forcing the prince's hand forever. You're doomed. Doomed to an eternal miserable drudgery at stepmother's. Everything around you slowly grows more dark until it all slips away. \n\n[[What happens next?|Getting Compromised to Get Hitched]]
You take your first step.\n\n[img[path.jpg]] \n\n[[The End|Start]]
--Let the player undo moves? (on / off)\n--In Sugarcane, this enables the browser's back button.\n--In Jonah, this lets the player click links in previous\n--passages.\n\nUndo: off\n\n--Let the player use bookmarks? (on / off)\n--This enables the Bookmark links in Jonah and Sugarcane\n--(If the player can't undo, bookmarks are always disabled.)\n\nBookmark: on\n\n--Obfuscate the story's HTML source to prevent possible\n--spoilers? (swap / off)\n\nObfuscate: off\n\n--String of letter pairs to use for swap-style obfuscation\n\nObfuscateKey: njhxwepduolkctfsybgaivrzqm\n\n--Include the jQuery script library? (on / off)\n--Individual scripts may force this on by\n--containing the text 'requires jQuery'.\n\njQuery: off\n\n--Include the Modernizr script library? (on / off)\n--Individual scripts/stylesheets may force this on by\n--containing the text 'requires Modernizr'.\n\nModernizr: off\n
<<silently>>\n<<fadeoutsound "rain.ogg">>\n<<SkillCheck gossip>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $success>>\n<<timedinsert 3s>><<fadeinsound "Egmont Overture Finale.ogg">><<endtimedinsert>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $successMessage>><<endtimedreplace>>\n\n\t<<if $ eq "pretty protagonist">>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>You used Gossip! <<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nGreen! They actually turned a little green in the face when you threatened to expose their secret outings. The carriage ride passed in complete and stony silence and considering the company, you wouldn't have it any other way. \n\n\t<<if $riskyTask eq 0>>\n\t[[On to the castle.|Getting That Fabulous Entrance]]\n\t<<else>>\n\tYou pulled off a risky task! [[and what's that over there? A \tChest?|GetRandomItem3]]<<endif>>\n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>Granny used Gossip!<<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\n\n\nGreen! They actually turned a little green in the face when Granny threatened to expose their secret outings. The carriage ride passed in complete and stony silence and considering the company, you wouldn't have it any other way. \n\n<<if $riskyTask eq 0>>\n[[On to the castle.|Getting That Fabulous Entrance]]\n<<else>>\nYou pulled off a risky task! [[and what's that over there? A Chest?|GetRandomItem3]]<<endif>>\n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $failMessage>><<gains>> [[What now?|Game Over]]<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<endif>>
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<<silently>>\n<<set $randItem = Math.floor(Math.random()*4)+1>>\n<<set $gotRandomItem = true>>\n<<playsound "wood creak.ogg" >>\n<<set $prompt = "You fling open the old family chest and inside you find...">>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $randItem eq 1>>\n\t<<print $prompt>> Booze!\n\t[img[booze.jpg]] \n\t<<set $currentInventory.booze = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $randItem eq 2>>\n\t<<print $prompt>> A Wand!\n\t[img[wand.jpg]] \n\t<<set $currentInventory.wand = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $randItem eq 3>>\n\t<<print $prompt>> A letter with a juicy bit of gossip!\n\t[img[dirt.jpg]] \n\t<<set $currentInventory.dirt = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $randItem eq 4>>\n\t<<print $prompt>> A Corset!\n\t[img[corset.jpg]] \n\t<<set $currentInventory.corset = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n[[Continue|Getting to The Ball]]
<<silently>>\n<<set $randItem = Math.floor(Math.random()*4)+1>>\n<<set $gotRandomItem = true>>\n<<playsound "wood creak.ogg" >>\n<<set $prompt = "You fling open the old family chest and inside you find...">>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $randItem eq 1>>\n\t<<print $prompt>> Booze!\n\t[img[booze.jpg]] \n\t<<set $currentInventory.booze = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $randItem eq 2>>\n\t<<print $prompt>> A Wand!\n\t[img[wand.jpg]] \n\t<<set $currentInventory.wand = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $randItem eq 3>>\n\t<<print $prompt>> A letter with a juicy bit of gossip!\n\t[img[dirt.jpg]] \n\t<<set $currentInventory.dirt = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $randItem eq 4>>\n\t<<print $prompt>> A Corset!\n\t[img[corset.jpg]] \n\t<<set $currentInventory.corset = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n[[On to the castle.|Getting That Fabulous Entrance]]
<<display SetUpVariables>>"It's you again?" That same voice from the begining of the story is addressing you? YOU? You're a fucking princess. you don't need this shit.\n\n[[Ignore the voice and go to the Warp Zone|WarpZone]]
<<silently>>\n<<set $randItem = Math.floor(Math.random()*4)+1>>\n<<set $gotRandomItem = true>>\n<<playsound "wood creak.ogg" >>\n<<set $prompt = "You fling open the old family chest and inside you find...">>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $randItem eq 1>>\n\t<<print $prompt>> Booze!\n\t[img[booze.jpg]] \n\t<<set $currentInventory.booze = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $randItem eq 2>>\n\t<<print $prompt>> A Wand!\n\t[img[wand.jpg]] \n\t<<set $currentInventory.wand = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $randItem eq 3>>\n\t<<print $prompt>> A letter with a juicy bit of gossip!\n\t[img[dirt.jpg]] \n\t<<set $currentInventory.dirt = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $randItem eq 4>>\n\t<<print $prompt>> A Corset!\n\t[img[corset.jpg]] \n\t<<set $currentInventory.corset = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n[[Continue|Dressed]]
try {\n version.extensions['macrodemoMacro'] = { \n major:1, minor:0, revision:0 \n };\n macros['macrodemo'] = {\n handler: function(place, macroName, params, parser) {\n new Wikifier(place, "Dennis is awesome though.");\n },\n init: function() { },\n };\n} catch(e) {\n throwError(place,"macrodemo Setup Error: "+e.message); \n}
<<silently>>\n<<set $randItem = Math.floor(Math.random()*4)+1>>\n<<set $gotRandomItem = true>>\n<<playsound "wood creak.ogg" >>\n<<set $prompt = "You fling open the old family chest and inside you find...">>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $randItem eq 1>>\n\t<<print $prompt>> Booze!\n\t[img[booze.jpg]] \n\t<<set $currentInventory.booze = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $randItem eq 2>>\n\t<<print $prompt>> A Wand!\n\t[img[wand.jpg]] \n\t<<set $currentInventory.wand = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $randItem eq 3>>\n\t<<print $prompt>> A letter with a juicy bit of gossip!\n\t[img[dirt.jpg]] \n\t<<set $currentInventory.dirt = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $randItem eq 4>>\n\t<<print $prompt>> A Corset!\n\t[img[corset.jpg]] \n\t<<set $currentInventory.corset = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n[[Let's get onto that dance floor.|Getting Someone to Dance With You]]
<<silently>><<fadeoutsound "Son Of A Rocket.ogg" >>\n<<fadeinsound "Private Reflection.ogg">><<endsilently>>\n<html><big><b>The Secret</b></big></html>\n\n"The truth is, we don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." \n\n<<timedinsert 4s>>This feels important. You let it sink in.<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedinsert 7s>>"This is a truth hard for you humans to handle. You don't want to admit this truth. You guard yourself from it with your precious stories. You use stories to reinvent things not as they really were. You don't want to see who you are. You find yourselves hard to accept."<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedinsert 16s>>"You use stories to lie to one another. You dress your characters up in a false guise of fantasy and manipulate them into a twisted version of what you want each other to be. Of what you want to be. You don't let your characters be who they are. Who you really are." <<endtimedinsert>> \n\n<<timedinsert 25s>>"You won't want to admit this. You guard yourself from the truth. You use your stories to escape yourselves rather than as opportunities to explore--maybe even embrace--your true selves."<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedinsert 30s>>"I'll ask you, do you want to be a pretty little princess?<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedinsert 33s>>How do you respond? <<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedinsert 35s>>1. What the hell? Of course you don't want to be a freaking pretty little princess. Is this disembodied voice touched in the head? Wait, are you touched in the head? you wonder. No matter. The point is, you exclaim, [["I do NOT want to be a pretty little princess."|Unwilling Begin]]<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedinsert 38s>>2. wouldn't admit this to your friends. But you kind of do want to be a pretty princess. There's dancing. Champagne. Cute talking animals. Epic musical entrances everywhere you go. And that happily ever after thing. Sounds a hell of a lot better your plans to marathon shows you've already seen on Netflix all night while you pretend there aren't strange varities of mold growing on the things in your absolutely-I-will-clean-this-tomorrow-kitchen. "Yes", you say with a mild disbelief that you're actually crazy enough to say it out loud: [["I do want to be a pretty little princess."|Willing Begin]]<<endtimedinsert>>
<<silently>>\n<<playsound "Running Fanfare.ogg">>\n<<SkillCheck seduction>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $success>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $successMessage>><<endtimedreplace>>\n\n\t<<if $ eq "pretty protagonist">>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>You used Seduction! <<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nWell, that was easy. Absurdly so. The beady eyed butler couldn't possibly abandon his post in the midst of the crush of rich and royal arrivals, so he was willing to hand you a title now in exchange for a promise of a wicked favor later on in the night. Like that will happen. What does he plan to do? Strut up to you while you're waltzing in the prince's arms asking if he might have you for the next dance himself--behind a bookcase in the library. Unlikely! This man is going to <html><em>have</em></html> to be dismissed once you secure your home in the castle hear though. You doubt princes appreciate the spreading of rumors in their castles about how their blushing young bride has been playing wantonly with the butler while she engages the rest of them in a jolly game of identity fraud.\n\n<<if $riskyTask eq 0>>\n[[Let's get onto that dance floor.|Getting Someone to Dance With You]]\n<<else>>\nYou pulled off a risky task! [[And what's that over there? A Chest?|GetRandomItem4]]\n<<endif>> \n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<else>>\n\n\t<<timedinsert 5s >>Granny used Seduction!<<endtimedinsert>>\n\t<<timedinsert 6s>>\nYou catch Granny's eye and you're sure there's a devious sparkle that suggests that she liked that! You wonder if you won't catch her sneaking off for a second rendezvous later in the evening. You really don't care what she does so long as she's around to help you with a devious trick or touch of magic should the prince not be amenable to committing his life to (dubiously) wedded bliss with you within 20 minutes of first laying eyes on you. \n\n<<if $riskyTask eq 0>>\n[[Let's get onto that dance floor.|Getting Someone to Dance With You]]\n<<else>>\nYou pulled off a risky task! [[And what's that over there? A Chest?|GetRandomItem4]]\n<<endif>>\n<<endtimedinsert>>\n\n\t<<endif>>\n\n<<else>>\n<<timedreplace 3s >>You hold your breath...<<gains>><<print $failMessage>><<gains>> [[What now?|Game Over]]<<endtimedreplace>>\n<<endif>>
<<silently>>\n<<timedinsert 6s>>\n<<fadeoutsound "Sinfonia Number 5.ogg">>\n<<endtimedinsert>>\nThis stuff is used to set up the characters\nthis stuff checks to see which is risky\n<<set $currentCharacter = $characters[$selectChar]>>\n<<endsilently>>\nHere goes nothing. As the <<print $>> you can attempt:\n<<silently>>\n<<set $prompt1 = "Mischief. You can do this">>\n\t<<if $risky eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt1 += ", but it's risky.">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance1 = 30 + ($currentCharacter.mischief*30)>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt1 += "! ">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance1 = 50 + ($currentCharacter.mischief*30)>>\n\t<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<print $prompt1 + " Chance of success = " + $taskChance1>>\nDid you notice how cute that princess' shoes are? The two of you decide to crush her toe and liberate her of that pretty slipper. <<if $risky eq 1>>[[Try mischief|UseMischief3][$riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try mischief.|UseMischief3]]<<endif>>\n<<if $currentInventory.booze eq 1>>Some liquid courage might help with this <<if $risky eq 1>>[[Try mischief, with booze! +30|UseMischief3][$useItem = true; $riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try mischief, with booze! +30|UseMischief3][$useItem = true]]<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<silently>>\n<<set $prompt2 = "Seduction. You can do this">>\n\t<<if $risky eq 2>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt2 += ", but it's risky.">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance2 = 30 + ($currentCharacter.seduction*30)>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt1 += "! ">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance2 = 50 + ($currentCharacter.seduction*30)>>\n\t<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<print $prompt2 + " Chance of success = " + $taskChance2>>\nThe other options here risk making a scene of the unwanted variety. You're willing to bet that the butler would be more than willing to be discreet about your deal. Find out what this bad boy butler wants in exchange for a title of the most impressive kind. <<if $risky eq 2>> [[Try Seduction.|UseSeduction3][$riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try Seduction.|UseSeduction3]]<<endif>>\n<<if $currentInventory.corset eq 1>>\nA corset might help with this <<if $risky eq 2>>[[Try Seduction, with a corset! +30|UseSeduction3][$useItem = true;$riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try Seduction, with a corset! +30|UseSeduction3][$useItem = true]]<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<silently>>\n<<set $prompt3 = "Magic. You can do this">>\n\t<<if $risky eq 3>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt3 += ", but it's risky.">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance3 = 30 + ($currentCharacter.magic*30)>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt3 += "! ">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance3 = 50 + ($currentCharacter.magic*30)>>\n\t<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<print $prompt3 + " Chance of success = " + $taskChance3>>\nDiscretion be damned. The whole point of this activity is to get noticed, isn't it? Why not <html><em>really</em></html> get noticed by having the whole ballroom perform a musical number in your honor. <<if $risky eq 3>>[[Try magic.|UseMagic3][$riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try magic.|UseMagic3]]<<endif>>\n<<if $currentInventory.wand eq 1>>\nA wand might help with this <<if $risky eq 3>>[[Try Magic, with a Wand! +30|UseMagic3][$useItem = true; $riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try Magic, with a Wand! +30|UseMagic3][$useItem = true]]<<endif>>\n<<endif>>
[<img[wand.jpg]] You Got Booze! Booze has a way of getting you into mischief.\n<<set $currentInventory.wand = 1>>\n[[Continue|End]]
"Things are supposed to happen for a reason... in a cretain order... if you go back in time you might break this reality!!!" You ignore that voice. You worked to hard to get here.\n<<silently>><<set $currentCharacter = $characters[$selectChar]>>\n<<CheckVar>><<endsilently>>\n<html><h1><em>Select Level<em></h1></html>\n[[Warp to 1|Getting Dressed]]\n[[Warp to 2|Getting to The Ball]]\n[[Warp to 3|Getting That Fabulous Entrance]]\n[[Warp to 4|Getting Someone to Dance With You]]\n[[Warp to 5|Getting The Prince Alone]]\n[[Warp to 6|Defining Ever After]]\n\n[[Visit Armory]]\n[[OpenRandomChest]]
<html><big><b>So It Begins</big></b></html>\n\n<<timedinsert 1s>> It chuckles. An appreciative sort of chuckle as if you've amused it. Good dog, you guess. You're always happy to entertain the voices in your head. <<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedinsert 4s>>"What if we let YOU be the princess?," it asks. "Not some prissy little girl child with no sense of adventure, lacking even the tiniest hint of sense and sexuality. What if Cinderella were a real, living, breathing, intelligent, sexy woman like you?" <<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedinsert 8s>>Well, there's a thought, you think. You could make things much more interesting than the flavorless, bland blend of porridge that the family film industry serves up. Why waste magic on housework and field mice when the opportunities to indulge in naughty mischief are limited only by your imagination? What's in that imagination of yours anyway? <<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedinsert 12s>>You decide to find out. <<endtimedinsert>><<timedcontinue 13s>><<fadeoutsound "Private Reflection.ogg">>[[Let's see where this journey takes you.|Chapter 1]] \n\n
[<img[title.jpg]]\n\n[[Start Game|Welcome]]\n[[Credits]]
Things have failed. Miserably. \n\n<<timedinsert 2s>>\nYou awake on your couch in a cold sweat. You can't explain your clothing. You can't explain anything, really. What the hell has happened here?\n\n[[Try Again|Start]]\n<<endtimedinsert>>
Something something something\n<<timedgoto "End" 2.5s >>\n
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<<randomp 20 "This text displays 20% of the time">>\n<<randomp passage 50 "End">>
<<silently>><<stopallsound>>\n<<playsound "Crash.ogg" >>\n<<fadeinsound "Pippin the Hunchback.ogg" >><<endsilently>>\n[<img[small1.jpg]]\n\n<html><big><b>Seriously? A Fairy Tale?</big></b></html>\n\n\n<<timedinsert 1s>>OH. NO. What have you done? <<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedinsert 3s>>You find yourself in a fairy tale. A real--it can't be real--but it feels so goddamned real--fairy tale. \n\nYou look down. Your dress is scratchy. Like, really freaking uncomfortable. Who the hell would wear this?! You consider stripping naked. It's best to get a better sense of your surroundings first, you decide. It's not every day a girl finds herself warped straight from her boxy apartment and into an unknown fantasy land. Inside you feel stirred by the latent possibilities that seem to be pooling right at your fingertips. On the outside, your skin still screams about the damn dress. \n\nIt's filthy too. Worse than that time you decided you weren't going to wash your favorite jeans for three months because you read online that washing them would make them wear out faster. That was bad. This--this is horrific. You realize you smell. And not in a cute, sweet, feminine way. You really, truly reek. You laugh at the mockery the voice is making of you. If he's showing you yourself as you truly are, you realize that what you are is in desperate need of a shower.\n\nA mouse scurries across your foot. You take a moment to let it sink in. That just happened. It stops at the edge of the wall of the barn and stares at you.\n\nA barn?! Oh lord. \n\nYou stare at the mouse a moment. It appears to be staring back. What the hell, you think. Why not? You lean your hands down on your knees, bend toward the mouse, and whisper, "Hello little mouse. And what is your name?"\n\nIt continues to stare. You think it might speak. You wait...The mouse poops and scurries off into a crevice in the wall. Ha. Right. What did you expect? Did you really think you were going to make a new friend? A happy, little housework companion to cheerily help you \n\nMake the fire, fix the breakfast/\nWash the dishes, do the mopping/\nAnd the sweeping and the dusting/\n\nas they always keep you hopping. Right. At least, you hope, that if the talking mice were all bs that you aren't likely to find yourself enslaved by an evil stepmother and her pathetic sniveling daughters either. \n\n[[You step from the barn to bravely meet your fate.|Chapter 1, Part 2]] <<endtimedinsert>>\n\n
<<silently>>\nThis stuff is used to set up the characters\nthis stuff checks to see which is risky\n<<set $currentCharacter = $characters[$selectChar]>>\n<<endsilently>>\nHere goes nothing. As the <<print $>> you can attempt:\n<<silently>>\n<<set $prompt1 = "Seduction. You can do this">>\n\t<<if $risky eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt1 += ", but it's risky.">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance1 = 30 + ($currentCharacter.seduction*30)>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt1 += "! ">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance1 = 50 + ($currentCharacter.seduction*30)>>\n\t<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<print $prompt1 + " Chance of success = " + $taskChance1>>\n\n<<if $risky eq 1>>[[Try Seduction.|UseSeduction4][$riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try Seduction.|UseSeduction4]]<<endif>>\n<<if $currentInventory.corset eq 1>>\nA corset might help with this <<if $risky eq 1>>[[Try Seduction, with a corset! +30|UseSeduction4][$useItem = true;$riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try Seduction, with a corset! +30|UseSeduction4][$useItem = true]]<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<silently>>\n<<set $prompt2 = "Gossip. You can do this">>\n\t<<if $risky eq 2>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt2 += ", but it's risky.">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance2 = 30 + ($currentCharacter.gossip*30)>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt1 += "! ">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance2 = 50 + ($currentCharacter.gossip*30)>>\n\t<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<print $prompt2 + " Chance of success = " + $taskChance2>>\n\n<<if $risky eq 2>>[[Try gossip.|UseGossip4][$riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try gossip.|UseGossip4]]<<endif>>\n<<if $currentInventory.dirt eq 1>>You're in luck, that letter you found has some dirt you might be able to use here. <<if $risky eq 2>>[[Try gossip, with some dirt! +30|UseGossip4][$useItem = true; $riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try gossip, with some dirt! +30|UseGossip4][$useItem = true]]<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<silently>>\n<<set $prompt3 = "Mischief. You can do this">>\n\t<<if $risky eq 3>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt3 += ", but it's risky.">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance3 = 30 + ($currentCharacter.mischief*30)>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt3 += "! ">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance3 = 50 + ($currentCharacter.mischief*30)>>\n\t<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<print $prompt3 + " Chance of success = " + $taskChance3>>\n \n<<if $risky eq 3>>[[Try mischief|UseMischief4][$riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try mischief.|UseMischief4]]<<endif>>\n<<if $currentInventory.booze eq 1>>Some liquid courage might help with this <<if $risky eq 3>>[[Try mischief, with booze! +30|UseMischief4][$useItem = true; $riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try mischief, with booze! +30|UseMischief4][$useItem = true]]<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n
You take your first step.\n\n[img[path.jpg]] \n\n[[The End|Start]]
Here goes nothing. You decide:\n\nRedefine what it is to be a princess. Decide to live ever after. Regardless of what that means\n\n[[Be a princess.|Use?6]]\n\n\nIt's time to go back to your life. It's who you are. You're not a fairy tale character. You're a real live woman.\n\n[[Go back home.|Use??6]]\n\n\nThere's a whole new world out there to explore. You don't need a prince. You have a good head on your shoulders and your own two feet. Let's get to it.\n \n[[Explore.|Use???6]]
<<silently>>\nthis stuff checks to see which is risky\n<<set $currentCharacter = $characters[$selectChar]>>\n<<endsilently>>\nHere goes nothing. As the <<print $>> you can attempt:\n<<silently>>\n<<set $prompt1 = "Gossip. You can do this">>\n\t<<if $risky eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt1 += ", but it's risky.">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance1 = 30 + ($currentCharacter.seduction*30)>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt1 += "! ">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance1 = 50 + ($currentCharacter.seduction*30)>>\n\t<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<print $prompt1 + " Chance of success = " + $taskChance1>>\nThreaten to expose the sisters' secret. <<if $risky eq 1>>[[Try gossip.|UseGossip2][$riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try gossip.|UseGossip2]]<<endif>>\n<<if $currentInventory.dirt eq 1>>You're in luck, that letter you found has some dirt you might be able to use here. <<if $risky eq 1>>[[Try gossip, with some dirt! +30|UseGossip2][$useItem = true; $riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try gossip, with some dirt! +30|UseGossip2][$useItem = true]]<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<silently>>\n<<set $prompt2 = "Magic. You can do this">>\n\t<<if $risky eq 2>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt2 += ", but it's risky.">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance2 = 30 + ($currentCharacter.magic*30)>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt2 += "! ">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance2 = 50 + ($currentCharacter.magic*30)>>\n\t<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<print $prompt2 + " Chance of success = " + $taskChance2>>\nTurn the warty sisters into toads. You know you want to. <<if $risky eq 2>>[[Try magic.|UseMagic2][$riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try magic.|UseMagic2]]<<endif>>\n<<if $currentInventory.wand eq 1>>\nA wand might help with this <<if $risky eq 2>>[[Try Magic, with a Wand! +30|UseMagic2][$useItem = true; $riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try Magic, with a Wand! +30|UseMagic2][$useItem = true]]<<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n\n<<silently>>\n<<set $prompt3 = "Mischief. You can do this">>\n\t<<if $risky eq 3>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt3 += ", but it's risky.">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance3 = 30 + ($currentCharacter.mischief*30)>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt3 += "! ">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance3 = 50 + ($currentCharacter.mischief*30)>>\n\t<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<print $prompt3 + " Chance of success = " + $taskChance3>>\nWill you get soaked? Likely. Does that make it a bad idea? Equally likely. But you get an undeniable sense of excitement out of the idea of tearing through the countryside with your dress and hair streaming behind you. And, granny behind you too, you guess. Whatever. You decide on stealing the horse. <<if $risky eq 3>>[[Try mischief|UseMischief2][$riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try mischief.|UseMischief2]]<<endif>>\n<<if $currentInventory.booze eq 1>>Some liquid courage might help with this <<if $risky eq 3>>[[Try mischief, with booze! +30|UseMischief2][$useItem = true; $riskyTask = 1]]<<else>>[[Try mischief, with booze! +30|UseMischief2][$useItem = true]]<<endif>>\n<<endif>>
macros['SkillCheck'] =\n{\t//Params are, \n\t//1 - what kind of skill to check Seduction, Magic, Mischief, Gossip\n\t\n\thandler: function(place, macroName, params, parser)\n\t{\n\t\tvar s = state.history[0].variables;\n\t\tconsole.log(params);\n\t\tvar prof = 30;\n\t\t//alert("You are " + state.history[0].variables["currentCharacter"].name);\n\t\tvar difficulty = 50 + (-20*parseInt(state.history[0].variables["riskyTask"]));\n\t\tvar buff = 0;\n\t\tif(state.history[0].variables["useItem"]){\n\t\t\tbuff += 30;\n\t\t}\n\t\tswitch(params[0])\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tcase "seduction":\n\t\t\t\t//alert("Seduction selected");\n\t\t\t\tbuff = state.history[0].variables["currentCharacter"].seduction*prof;\n\t\t\t\tif(state.history[0].variables["useItem"]){\n\t\t\t\t\tstate.history[0].variables["currentInventory"].corset = 0;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase "magic":\n\t\t\t\t//alert("Magic selected");\n\t\t\t\tbuff = state.history[0].variables["currentCharacter"].magic*prof;\n\t\t\t\tif(state.history[0].variables["useItem"]){\n\t\t\t\t\tstate.history[0].variables["currentInventory"].wand = 0;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase "gossip":\n\t\t\t\tbuff = state.history[0].variables["currentCharacter"].gossip*prof;\n\t\t\t\tif(state.history[0].variables["useItem"]){\n\t\t\t\t\tstate.history[0].variables["currentInventory"].dirt = 0;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase "mischief":\n\t\t\t\tbuff = state.history[0].variables["currentCharacter"].mischief*prof;\n\t\t\t\tif(state.history[0].variables["useItem"]){\n\t\t\t\t\t//alert("With a bottle of jack!")\n\t\t\t\t\tstate.history[0].variables["currentInventory"].booze = 0;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t\tstate.history[0].variables["useItem"] = false;\n\t\tdifficulty += buff;\n\t\tconsole.log(difficulty); \n\t\tstate.history[0].variables["success"] = (Math.random()*100<difficulty);\n\t\tif(state.history[0].variables["success"]){\n\t\t\t//alert("You did it!");\n\t\t}else{\n\t\t\t//alert("Shit.");\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}
<<silently>>\n<<fadeinsound "Danse Macabre - Xylophone.ogg">>\n<<set $risky = Math.floor((Math.random()*3)+1);>>\n<<set $riskyTask = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\n[<img[small4.jpg]]\n\n<html><big><b>Getting Someone to Dance With You</b></big></html>\n\n\nYou complete a scan of the ballroom and see no signs of your prince charming yet. There's no reason to be alarmed yet, but you find youself thinking that if some other coniving little golddigger has already managed to sink her claws into <html><em>your</em></html> unknowing little prince, you're going to find her and tear her apart. It's of no matter to you if you find the prince in a compromised state, fancying himself in love with some other lovely, so long as he binds himself legally to you. You suppose that if it really is too late you might be able to settle for an invitation to stay on at the castle as the prince's mistress, but that all sounds so much messier than securing a position that allows you total and complete control over your fate. These fairy tale kingdoms with their dark spells and servitude are such a hassle if you don't take care to position yourself appropriately. \n\nIt occurs to you that your chances of getting the prince's attention when he arrives are better if you aren't standing on the side of the room looking like an undesirable dance partner. It's time to secure the attentions of a gentleman, a very rich and very handsome one if possible. There seems to be a bit of a problem, however. Your method of entrance doesn't seem to have made you the most popular girl at the party. You can feel the waves of hostility rolling over you from all around. You'd be willing to put money on you being the most UNpopular girl at the party. No matter. They'll be kissing your hand and flattering you senseless soon enough whether they want to or not.\n \nYou discuss the situation with granny and decide on your three best options. \n\n1. Whether these men like you or not, you know men well enough to know that the majority are unable to think with their heads when you tempt them with other alternatives. Flirting outlandishly with the season's hottest suitors shouldn't be that difficult. If the prince walks in to see you surrounded by a gaggle of men lusting after you, he's sure to take notice. Granny offers to help too. [Pass a <html><b>Seduction</b></html> check to move forward]\n\n2. You heard whispers from your sisters that a princess from the famed Candy Kingdom may be in attendance at the ball tonight. Who doesn't want to take a bite out of a candy princess? You and Granny could spread a rumor that you're that sweet young thing and everyone, including that prince, will be begging for a taste. [Pass a <html><b>Gossip</b></html> check to move forward]\n\n3. Perhaps not your finest moment in college, you once joined your friends in spiking the punch at a house party with a concotion that has terriblly ugly after effects in the morning, but for a few hours has everyone feeling giddy, happy, and amenable to any kind of wicked suggestion. Granny claims she could help you whip up a similar substance in the kitchen. There's a gleam in her eye that suggests she welcomes the opportunity. This tactic could play in your favor with acquiring the most desirable dance parters this evening. You just have to make sure that some other twit doesn't offer the charming prince a beverage before you do when he finally shows. [Pass a <html><b>Mischief</b></html> check to move forward] \n\nWho takes the lead on finding you some dance partners?\n\n[[Granny. She's proven she has much skill with all forms of manipulation.|Someone to Dance With You][$selectChar = 1]] \n\nOR\n\n[[You do it yourself. You know how to look out for you.|Someone to Dance With You][$selectChar = 0]] \n\nBe careful of who you choose. Something unexpected is bound to happen.
<<silently>>\n<<fadeinsound "Enchanted Valley.ogg">>\n<<endsilently>>\n\n<html><b><big>Alone with the Prince</b></big></html>\n\nYou're definitely not vertical. You're laying flat across a hard surface. You hear trickling water. It's calming. Nice. \n\n"Are you alright?" "Princess?" Not yet realizing where you are, you wonder what kind of an idiot would give a girl like you a pet name "Princess." That's repulsive. You wouldn't name a cat princess!\n\nYou open your eyes. You realize you're outside. Under the stars. Under the prince. Not <html><em>that</em></html> manner of being under the prince. Not yet anyway. You mean, he's kneeling above you. With an adorably concerned look in his yes. So sweet. \n\nYou begin to regain your senses. The fuzziness in your head dissipates, but your memory is not so obliging. "How did we get here?", you ask. \n\nThe prince tells you of that magic moment when he glanced at you from across the room and felt drawn to you. He says everything else slipped away and there was only you. Your eyes met, and blah, blah. He asked you to dance. You took his hand. You whirled around the dance floor. You waltzed right out of the ballroom and onto the balcony. (This is naueseating, you think.) As he looked into your eyes and fell in love, you sneezed in his face and keeled onto the ground. \n\nYou sneezed in his face? How impressive. Well, he's the prince. It's his job to be charming. You just have to be pretty. And some men think a girl is never as alluring as when she's passed out unconscious when they're all alone. \n\nAs things become more coherent and your mind grows sharper, you realize you could not have been handed a more perfect opportunity. You're sure that Granny is behind this convenient turn of events and you're equaly sure that she's nearby.\n\nYou take the moment alone to get acquainted with your prince charming. \n\n[[Continue|Getting Compromised to Get Hitched, Part 2]]
<<timedreplace 1s >>You see <<gains>>a dog, <<gains>>a walrus, <<gains>>and a civet.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\n<<timedreplace 2s >>You see nothing. <<becomes>>After 2 seconds, you still see nothing.<<endtimedreplace>>\n\nYou search. <<timedinsert 1s>>You find nothing.<<endtimedinsert>>.\n<<timedremove 2.5s >>Something is disappearing...<<endtimedremove>>\n\nLook <<timedcontinue 3s>>A bird just few by...
Amanda Ochsner @AmandaOchsner\nDennis Ramirez @dennisRamirez
<<silently>>\n<<fadeoutsound "Egmont Overture Finale.ogg">>\n<<fadeinsound "Sinfonia Number 5.ogg">>\n<<set $risky = Math.floor((Math.random()*3)+1);>>\n<<set $riskyTask = 0>>\n<<endsilently>>\n[<img[small3.jpg]]\n\n<html><b><big>Getting That Fabulous Entrance</b></big></html>\n\n\nYou and Granny stand at the top of the steps outside of the castle. You're starting to question whether an elderly matron is the wisest choice of companion for the night one intends to seduce a prince, but there's really nothing to be done about that now. Granny has proven to be insanely valuable on your quest thus far.\n\nIt occurs to you that this is the moment where you must impress. You need to make all these other vanilla wallflowers disappear. You look around more closely, realizing that this is <html><em>not</em></html> how one would describe the women here. They look rich. And they're gorgeous. Are they <html><em>all</em></html> members of the aristocracy? This evening's task may be more difficult than you anticipated. Your fairy tale princess curves are certainly fabulous--you glance down at yourself for instant reassurance--but you may need more than body to pull this off. You're going to need a title. Or an entrance. Something good.\n\nAfter scoping out the situation a little more closely, you determine that you have three decent options. \n\n1. Granny suggests stealing a title from one of the prissier looking princesses making their way up the stairs. She points out that it might be fun to stomp on one of these girls' toes, shattering the bone like little shards of glass. As the girl goes into shock from the pain, you could slip her title card out of her fingers and present it to the butler making the royal arrival announcements. You're realizing that Granny has a deep and dark sense of humor. [Pass a <html><b>mischief</b></html> check to move forward]\n\n2. Now that you get a closer look at the butler calling out names, you see him trying to get a closer look at you. You realize that he would be ammenable to getting a closer look. If you were willing to perform a not-so-magic trick in exchange, you wager that this butler would be happy to exchange it for a false title. You think you could get him to give you any title you want. Granny hints that she also is perfectly willing to entertain the butler. You choose not to respond to this with words. [Pass a <html><b>seduction</b></html> check to move forward]\n\n3. In your heart of hearts, what you have really always wanted is one of those absurdly grand Disney entrances: "Be our guest! Be our guest! Put our service to the test" with dancing candlestick holders, singing pots, chocolate begging for you to taste it. You want it <html><em>all</em></html>. You wonder if magic couldn't bring you fulfillment of this longtime girlhood wish. It seems likely that a prince would notce if the furniture stood up and danced for a girl as she walked in. [Pass a <html><b>magic</b></html> test to move forward]\n\nWho do you decide should coordinate the grand entrance this evening?\n\n[[This seems like it might be more Granny's forte.|That Fabulous Entrance][$selectChar = 1]] \n\nOR\n\n[[An entrance to remember? You got this.|That Fabulous Entrance][$selectChar = 0]] \n\nBe careful of who you choose. Something unexpected is bound to happen.\n
"You're not supposed to be here!" Booms the voice. Go it's annoying. if you're going to be a Narrator at least try to be subtle.\n\nYou grab a bottle of booze, a fabulous looking corset, a wand, and some juicy gossip. These will come in handy.\n<<set $currentInventory = $stockInventory[1]>>\n[[Go Back to Warp Zone|WarpZone]]
<<silently>>\nthis stuff checks to see which is risky\n<<display SetUpVariables>>\n<<set $currentCharacter = $characters[$selectChar]>>\n<<endsilently>>\nHere goes nothing. As the <<print $>> you can attempt:\n<<silently>>\n<<set $prompt1 = "Gossip. You can do this">>\n\t<<if $risky eq 1>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt1 += ", but it's risky.">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance1 = 30 + ($currentCharacter.seduction*30)>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt1 += "! ">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance1 = 50 + ($currentCharacter.seduction*30)>>\n\t<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<print $prompt1 + " Chance of success = " + $taskChance1>>\nThreaten to expose the sisters' secret. [[Try gossip.|UseGossip2]]\n\n\n<<silently>>\n<<set $prompt2 = "Magic. You can do this">>\n\t<<if $risky eq 2>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt2 += ", but it's risky.">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance2 = 30 + ($currentCharacter.magic*30)>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt2 += "! ">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance2 = 50 + ($currentCharacter.magic*30)>>\n\t<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<print $prompt2 + " Chance of success = " + $taskChance2>>\nTurn the warty sisters into toads. You know you want to. [[Try magic.|UseMagic2]]\n\n\n<<silently>>\n<<set $prompt3 = "Mischief. You can do this">>\n\t<<if $risky eq 3>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt3 += ", but it's risky.">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance3 = 30 + ($currentCharacter.mischief*30)>>\n\t<<else>>\n\t\t<<set $prompt3 += "! ">>\n\t\t<<set $taskChance3 = 50 + ($currentCharacter.mischief*30)>>\n\t<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<print $prompt3 + " Chance of success = " + $taskChance3>>\nWill you get soaked? Likely. Does that make it a bad idea? Equally likely. But you get an undeniable sense of excitement out of the idea of tearing through the countryside with your dress and hair streaming behind you. And, granny behind you too, you guess. Whatever. You decide on stealing the horse. [[Try mischief.|UseMischief2]]
<html><big><b>So It Begins</big></b></html>\n\n<<timedinsert 1s>> It starts laughing at you. This voice. You don't have any idea where it's coming from, but it's laughing at you. Mocking you. It's embarassing. You start to get up to leave. Maybe that kitchen cleaning doesn't sound so terrible after all. <<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedinsert 5s>> "I'll let you be a princess," it says. "And YOU will be the princess. Let us see who that pretty princess inside of you really truly is. What kind of Cinderella does a girl like you really make? That's a story I want to hear." <<endtimedinsert>>\n\n<<timedinsert 9s>> You begin to feel that you've probably made a huge mistake. Indulging in the whims of the voices in one's head probably isn't the best of ideas. But why not?<<endtimedinsert>> <<timedcontinue 12s>><<fadeoutsound "Private Reflection.ogg">>Let's [[see where this journey takes you.|Chapter 1]]